Clinic Efficiency:
SAFEcount is our initiative to study and deliver specially designed devices to enhance the efficiency of pill counting in Swaziland, and eventually throughout the world. Chronic conditions that commonly plague developing countries, such as HIV, high blood pressure, and diabetes can require a monthly regimen of upwards of 180 pill prescriptions. Counting out these large prescriptions puts a tremendous strain on the working capacity of clinics because currently these clinics count pills all by hand…one…by…one. Currently, no affordable and appropriate way to offset this workload exists. Electronic machines are too expensive and complicated for the majority of rural clinic settings. As you can imagine, accurately counting large numbers of pills is not only tedious and time consuming, but incredibly difficult to do. Try hand counting 1,000 pills, add clinic distractions, and see how accurate you are (we have, and it’s scary how impossible the task is). If a patient doesn't receive the correct number of pills, the consequences can be life threatening and clinic efficiency is significantly hampered.
SAFEcount, invented by Joseph Krezanoski in Swaziland and patented by OSI, is a simple and effective solution to reduce prescription pill inaccuracies and healthcare time wastage. The design of our device is developed from our intensive fieldwork in Swazi hospitals and clinics. SAFEcount is deliberately designed to be an affordable technology which is not only easy and fun for end-users, but will also make a significant dent in the ineffectiveness of manual pill counting.
If SAFEcount could be found in every clinic in developing countries, health care providers working in difficult conditions could focus on high impact tasks such as direct patient care and burnout rates could be mitigated. When patients receive the correct number of pills, this cuts costs for patients and clinics, reduces antibiotic resistance, and saves lives.
Read our peer-reviewed publications related to SAFECount:
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